Saturday, August 29, 2009

We are still around!

Sorry guys for the very long silence. Don't worry, we are still around...alive and kicking. Its just that our daily schedule is not permitting to have more time online to update this blog.

Its me...still growing and maintaining my cheeks.

A special Ramadhan pose...Selamat Berpuasa to all.

And the best surprise of the year....Ma's new wheels. Wow! Its a Viva Elite!
Now I can go around town with Ma without having to wait for Pa. (Ooops...Sorry Pa!)


Tertipu lagi... said...

salam... lama dah takde new post. it's suppose to be your third year now~ Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin

wahi said...

emm, new wheels? CongaRats! How much is this liltle feller OTR? Is it auto?

Pa Alisya said...

Its auto and 40.5K OTR...mrs bawak.